School and teacher education 2030 - in tension between new trends in postmodern society / Schule und Lehrer-/innenbildung 2030 - im Spannungsfeld neuer Trends in der postmodernen Gesellschaft

13th International Conference in the field of Education


ICFE 2020 wird zur ICFE 2021 - ONLINE

Aufgrund der verstärkten Verbreitung des Corona-Virus in Europa wird zum Zwecke der Gewährleistung der Sicherheit sowohl von Studierenden, Lehrenden und Mitarbeiter/innen die ICFE 2020 Konferenz ONLINE stattfinden.

Der Termin ist der 

20. - 21.Mai 2021

Wir freuen uns auf viele interessante Artikel!

Für etwaige Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen selbst verständlich zur Verfügung.

Wir freuen uns Sie im Mai 2021 online begrüßen zu dürfen und danken für Ihr Verständnis.

ICFE 2020 becomes ICFE 2021 - ONLINE

ICFE 2020 becomes ICFE 2021- ONLINE

Due to the increased spread of the corona virus in Europe, the ICFE 2020 conference will be held ONLINE to ensure the safety of students, teachers and staff.

The date is 

20 - 21 May 2021

We are looking forward to many interesting articles!

If you have any further questions, I am at your disposal.

We look forward to welcoming you online in May 2021 and thank you for your understanding.

Call for papers & Invitation 


20 - 21 May, 2021




The deadline for registration and for the abstract submission is

February 7th, 2021. 

Keynote: Georg Krammer

Can we educate everyone to be an educator? Should we?

Teacher education should safeguard the public from incompetent teachers. This places a heavy burden on teacher educators, as not all aspiring teachers are equally suited for the profession. Some student-teacher requiring more extensive training than others. This raises the question if everyone can be educated to be a good teacher.
Questions along this line inherently cause uncomfortableness in teacher education, as they touch upon the very basis of pedagogy: can everyone be educated? Furthermore, scholars and practitioners in teacher education are often themselves pedagogues, thereby being trained to believe that everyone can be educated. While this believe should be at the heart of every school, its application to occupation needs to be scrutinized. Blindly applying it to teacher education demands from teacher educators that they must be able to make a good teacher out of every student. In this keynote, I criticise that this demand often leads to "no teacher education student is left behind".
Before this backdrop, I argue that students' individual differences play a vital role in teacher education. Selecting students that are more likely to succeed benefits the institutions, the prospective teachers, and in turn education in 2030. To achieve this goal, I argue that it is necessary to go beyond the question if we can educate everyone to be an educator; we need to question if we should.
Short Bio
Georg Krammer is University College Professor for Educational Measurement and Applied Psychometrics at the University College for Teacher Education Styria in Graz, Austria. With his background in measurement theory and psychological methodology, he is working in the educational field as research methodologist and teacher educator. He is editor of the Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung.


Dr Maria Aleksandrovich, PhD - psychologist, researcher, and academic teacher, Head of the Department of Psychology, Pomeranian University in Slupsk, Poland, Visiting Professor at UiT - Arctic University of Norway. Grants and Scholarships: Honoured Scholarship for the Best Doctoral Students (2002). Queen Jadwiga Scholarship (2000; 2002). Scholarship of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Young Scholars (2003/2004). University of Genoa Honoured Scholarship (2004/2005). EEA Grants and Norway Grants (2014; 2015); National Centre for Research and Development (2016). Awards: Award of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus (1998). Pomeranian University Rector's Award for Didactics (2017). Honoured Medal for Excellent Service (2019). Memberships: International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, American Psychological Association, European Council of High Abilities, International Society for the Study of Individual Differences, Society for Dance Research. Research interest: Psychology of Gifted and Talented, Psychology of Individual Differences, Developmental Psychology, and Psychology of Dance

Key Note: Klaus-Börge Boeckmann

Migration and Multilingualism in Teacher Education


Two related developments have been putting education systems and also teacher education increasingly to the test in recent years: migration and multilingualism. In many European countries the reaction to this fundamental change in societies has been very slow, in Austria as well. This presentation will take the history and the latest developments in this field in Austria as a starting point and link these with the situation on the European level. The main question that will be followed is how to make teacher education fit for the increasing diversity in the societies of the future: Which strategies have been developed and how effective have these proven to be?

Short Bio

Klaus-Börge Boeckmann, M.A. and Ph.D. in Education and Applied Linguistics(University of Klagenfurt, Austria), postdoctoral teaching qualification (Habilitation) in German as a foreign language, university career at the University of Vienna, Austria, after several years in Vienna adult education centres. Five-year-residence as teacher and researcher in Osaka, Japan; Visiting lecturer at the University of Kassel, Germany; Visiting professor at the University of Jena, Germany; University Professor for German as a Second Language at the University of Vienna (2007-2009). Presently University College Professor for Multilingualism and German as a Second Language at the University College of Teacher Education Styria. Main research fields: plurilingual language acquisition, cultural and language awareness, innovative language pedagogy, practice/action research, teacher education in multilingual/ multicultural societies.

Key Note: Maria Aleksandrovich


Did you know, thataccording to the Europe 2020 Strategy recommendations, school curricula should focus on creativity with a view to creating a European economy based on knowledge and innovation?

Did you know, thataccording to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report, complex problem solving, critical thinking, and creativityare the most important skills children will need to develop?

Do you know, whatwe as teachers should do to achieve these goals?

Do you know, howplasticine can help children to develop these skills?

The answers to these questions will be discussed during the presentation. The presentation will offer theoretical insights into the development of creativity in general as well as showing practical work in the kindergarten and primary school. The general discussion will focus on the question of what the crucial competences for the 21st century are. Starting with a definition ofcreativity and its implementation into both the school curriculum and everyday teachers' work, a deeper analysis will emphasize the meaning and importance of complex problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity. I will present what teachers can do to become better role models for developing creative habits in children; to change their approach to the issue of mistakes; to learn about asking and accepting curious and creative questions coming both from teachers and children; to provide children sufficient time to complete their work;to create scaffolding tasks with the appropriate level of challenge for individual children. Finally, I will show how plasticine can be useful during the development of creativity mindsets. During the presentation, I will show how playing with plasticine gives many opportunities for learning how to take things apart and make new things, and that there are infinite possible uses for any object as well as many possible solutions to any problem.

During the conference you will not only have the opportunity to experience the link between theory and practice but also to be a part of the big international network in the field of education.


Abstract Submission Deadline: 7th February, 2021

Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 15th March, 2021

Final Paper Submission Deadline: 30th April, 2021

Registration and Conference fee payment Deadline: 30th April, 2021

Conference Dates: Graz (Austria) 20th and 21th May

IC-FE 2021

«Schule und Lehrer-/innenbildung 2030 - im Spannungsfeld neuer Trends in der postmodernen Gesellschaft»

Der kontinuierliche, gesellschaftliche Wandel und seine Dynamik erfordern auch eine entsprechende Anpassungsfähigkeit des Bildungswesens. Die Pluralisierung, Individual-isierung und Digitalisierung in unseren Lebenswelten, erhöhte Bildungsansprüche und -erwartungen, Ökonomisierungstendenzen (wie z. B. das «Messen und Vergleichen» von Bildung) sowie ein steigendes, ökologisches Bewusstsein führen zu veränderten Rahmen-bedingungen innerhalb eines Spannungsfeldes verschiedenster Interessen, denen sich das Bildungssystem stellen muss. Die hierzu erforderliche Bereitschaft und Flexibilität sich fortwährend auf diese wachsenden Anforderungen einzulassen, stellt jedoch eine grosse gesellschaftliche, individuelle und erzieherische Herausforderung dar. Was bedeutet dies für die Schul- und Lehrer/-innenbildung im Jahre 2030? Welche Qualifikationen und Kompetenzen brauchen unsere Schüler/innen und Lehrpersonen in Zukunft? Diese und weitere Fragen sollen in der internationalen Tagung aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln und mit unterschiedlichen Perspektiven beleuchtet und diskutiert werden.

«School and teacher education 2030 - in tension between new trends in postmodern society"

The continuous social change and its dynamics also require a corresponding adaptability of the education system. Pluralisation, individualisation and digitisation in our living environments, increased demands and expectations of education, tendencies towards economisation (such as the "measurement and comparison" of education) as well as an increasing ecological awareness lead to changed framework conditions within a field of tension of the most diverse interests that the education system has to face. However, the willingness and flexibility required to continually adapt to these growing demands represents a major social, individual and educational challenge. What does this mean for school and teacher education in 2030? What qualifications and competences will our pupils and teachers need in the future? These and other questions will be examined and discussed from different perspectives at the international conference.

You have the opportunity to present at the conference, as well as to write- in case the paper is accepted by the scientific committee- a scientific article or an experience report, which can be written on English or German. The contribution will be accepted if the article corresponds to the conference topic and meets the authors' guidelines.

The monograph will be published by "LIT VERLAG". Only presented papers will be published.

The conference fee has been reduced to € 120 per participant.

The conference fee covers the current issue of the conference volume.


The preliminary programme will be sent to accepted participants in time. Conference will start with the input of key speakers who will talk about the link between theory and practice in the field of education. At the conference there will be also plenty of time to discuss the key issues concerning the different topics in education


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